14 Jun Wine, Eats & Easels Jun 21st
Wine, Eats & Easels is an evening of wine & culinary sampling, musical entertainment, entertainment-type activities(sketch artists, photo booth, etc.) with displays of unique and high end quality art work. In the past, attendance has been approximately 1000 with approximately 50 vendors. All proceeds benefit Broken Arrow Neighbors, a 501(c)(3) non-profit basic needs emergency assistance agency.
This is a private, ticketed event.
Get your WEE tickets today! Online @ http://bit.ly/WineEatsEasels2019 or at the following locations: @broken_arrow_neighbors or @brokenarrowbrewingco
#weeok2019 #wineok #beer #brokenarrowbrewingco #baneighbors#gradynichols #amazingartists #yummyfood
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