10 Dec Thank you Maintenance Service Department!
A Special Thank you to our City Maintenance Service Department!
This is a shout out to our Maintenance Service Department who continues to go beyond the call of duty completing projects that creates great Christmas memories. Last year they were tasked with creating 2 incredible sleighs. This year they were tasked with creating this cool gingerbread house used for the city float, now located @ The Rose District Plaza. Both sleighs & now the house are great for taking neat Christmas pictures.
The department has completed these projects while maintaining their regular duties.
From left to right :
Grant Rissler, Jerry Waymire (Street Department, drove equipment to load & unload) Dion Watters, Richard Walters, Kinnith Booth, Don Reinke, Moku Funk, Max Aldrich. Thank you guys!!
Credit: COBA TED Team
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