11 Nov Ruts n’ Guts Craft Brew Garden
Join us for the Inaugural Ruts & Guts Craft Brew Garden Dec 3rd 2-6pm
brought to you by BA Buzz Events & our
Presenting Sponsor Hops & Hangers!
Imagine your hanging out at Oktoberfest enjoying your favorite brew in one of the huge Tents. All of a sudden a huge pack of crazy bike riders come blasting through the tent and into a 60 foot sand pit. You start cheering and yelling and trying to hand them some of your fantastic beer!!
Now that is going to be pretty rad, but it’s going to get even better. While you watch all those cyclist trudge through the sand you get to enjoy 4 hours of Craft Brew Tasting. 9 different local breweries you can sample for just $35.
Invite your friends to come hang out and try some of the best Oklahoma brew.
Buy your early bird tickets now!
Some of the beers at this year’s event from Boulevard:
Nutcracker ale
Cranberry Orange Rattler
Snow & Tell scotched ale
Tank 7
Laguintas Brown Shugga Ale
Oscar Blues – Death by Coconut!!! This one I’m looking forward to!!!
From Marshall’s: Big Jamoke Porter & Sundown Wheat
Check out more details at RutsnGuts.com
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