15 Apr Project Cuffway April 22nd!
Did you know?????????
If you can’t attend Project Cuffway on April 22nd you can still purchase tickets (either VIC or General Admission) and these beautiful cuffs WILL BE shipped to you!?!?!
Whaaaaaat you say???? YES, they WILL get these beauties to you. Better go the the event listed at the top of the page, click on it and get your tickets. Now that the word is out……these tickets are going to sell quickly!
********Edit…..here is the link to purchase tickets*******
Which cuffs belong to each ticket? Well, with General Admission you get the purple double wrap metallic with magnetic closure. And with VIC you get…….wait for it……..BOTH!!!!!
Now of course it would be so super, fantabulously, awesome if we get see everyone’s beautiful faces at the event. But scheduling conflicts come up. So now you know, the secret is out. You can still:
1) Own one or both of these beauties without attending in person
2) Support a great cause that is near and dear to Jill’s heart at the same time
Aaaaaaand Go!
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