20 May BA HERO CAMPAIGN launched to raise money for instructional programs
Many parents and patrons are asking how they can help, and the Broken Arrow Public Schools Foundation has created an avenue – the BA HERO campaign – for them to do so.
Every dollar raised through the BA HERO campaign will help fund instructional programs and services that are critical to our students. Donate now at www.gofundme.com/BAHERO. The Foundation is asking community members, staff and students to share this link on their social media accounts in an effort to raise more than $250,000.
Donations can also be mailed to the BAPS Foundation, P.O. Box 2695, Broken Arrow, OK 74013.
Funds will be managed by the BAPS Foundation. Once the fundraising campaign is complete, the 29-member board of directors will vote on where and how to allocate the funds. The funds will be used to fund instructional programs and services specifically.
For more information about the Broken Arrow Public Schools Foundation, please visit www.baschools.org/foundation or email Andy Truman, Foundation president, at bapsfoundation@gmail.com.
The entire story found in the BA Ledger: http://www.tulsaworld.com/communities/ba-hero-campaign-launched-to-raise-money-for-instructional-programs/article_addcef26-1d19-11e6-8704-ab5ac735d4bf.html
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