07 Aug Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap Aug 13th
OPEN AUDITIONS at the Broken Arrow Community Playhouse ! August 13, 2017 6:00 PM
“The Mousetrap”
By Agatha Christie
The Broken Arrow Community Playhouse will be auditioning for Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap” on Sunday August 13, 2017 at 6 PM at the Playhouse located at 1800 S. Main Street in Broken Arrow.
The Mousetrap will be directed by Tee Brown. Auditions are open and will consist of cold readings from the script. We are looking for 5 men and 3 women age range 20’s to 60+. Resumes and Photos not required but helpful. Performance dates will be October 6, 7, 813, 14, 15, 2017, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30, Sundays at 2:00.
In this Melodramatic Mystery/Thriller, a group of strangers is stranded in a boarding house during a snow storm, one of whom is a murderer. The suspects include the newly married couple who run the house, and the suspicions in their minds nearly wreck their perfect marriage. Others are a spinster with a curious background, an architect who seems better equipped to be a chef, a retired Army major, a strange little man who claims his car has overturned in a drift, and a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone. Into their midst comes a policeman, traveling on skis. He no sooner arrives, when the jurist is killed. Two down, and one to go. To get to the rationale of the murderer’s pattern, the policeman probes the background of everyone present, and rattles a lot of skeletons. Another famous Agatha Christie switch finish! Chalk up another superb intrigue for the foremost mystery writer of her time.
Character Descriptions for THE MOUSETRAP
Mollie Ralston – Proprietor of Monkswell Manor, and wife of Giles. Pretty, Intelligent, feels a bit out of her league but is determined to see her new hotel venture thrive. 30- 40 British Accent required.
Giles Ralston – Husband of Mollie who runs Monkswell Manor with his wife. Does a lot of the “Handy-Man” work around the Manor; Can be cranky at times and grows jealous about Mollie. 30-40’s British Accent required.
Christopher Wren – The first guest to arrive at the hotel, Wren is a hyperactive young man who acts in a very peculiar manner. He admits he is running away from something, but refuses to say what. Wren claims to have been named after the architect of the same name by his parents. 20-30 British Accent Required.
Mrs Boyle – A critical older woman who is pleased by nothing she observes; Cold and almost biting in her treatment of those around her; Is not pleased with the conditions at Monkswell Manor and lets it be known. Age flexible 40-60’s. British Accent Required.
Major Metcalf – Retired from the army, little is known about Major Metcalf. Military bearing, but a man of mystery. Age flexible 40-60’s. British Accent Required.
Miss Casewell – A strange, aloof, masculine woman who speaks offhandedly about the horrific experiences of her childhood. Age range 20-30’s. British Accent Required.
Mr Paravicini – A man of “unknown provenance”, who turns up claiming his car has overturned in a snowdrift. He appears to be affecting a foreign accent and artificially aged with make-up. Age flexible 40-60’s. Actor should attempt Italian, or Spanish sounding accents.
Detective Sergeant Trotter – A policeman who arrives in a snow storm saying he has come to protect the guests from the murderer. Mid 20’s-30’s. British Accent Required.
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