15 Apr Vintage Market Days® starts today!!
Vintage Market Days® starts today!!Come see 125 of the very best Vintage vendors from across the country this weekend at the CREEK COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS! Friday-Saturday from 10am-5pm. $10/Fri., $5/
Sat. & Sun. All tickets good for re-entry all weekend. Children 12 & under are FREE. Just take the Turner Turnpike (I-44) to EXIT 211, take a left then a right on Historic Rt 66. Just 15 minutes from downtown Tulsa! We love bringing the Vintage experience to you®!
**Do you watch shows like “Fixer Upper” & wonder where they find the unique pieces they put in the homes they remodel or do you have a Pinterest board filled with ideas for your home? Vintage Market Days® brings all of that to you! With 125 of the very best vendors & 200+ booths in Vintage from across the US. The vendors have done the hunting for you! They bring truckloads of repurposed, specialty “finds” that will be unique to your home!
We hope you’ll join us THIS WEEKEND – APRIL 15-17 at the Creek County Fairgrounds (EXIT 211 off the Turner Turnpike) for more than just a weekend of shopping – it truly is the Vintage Experience™! #tulsa#oklahoma #ilovevintagemarketdays #bringingthevintageexperiencetoyou#vmdvendor
The Vintage Phoenix Vendor Mall is the Presenting Sponsor!
**WATCH what you are in for at Vintage Market Days®! We are so excited to be bringing the Vintage experience to the Tulsa area for the 9th time since 2012! Join our event for the latest updates at: https://www.facebook.com/events/447735562078817/?active_tab=posts
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